Highload cashback service of MTS mobile operator

Thousands of user requests per second, more than 10 integrations

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Development flow

How we created a website for the cashback service of the largest mobile operator

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    Using of the same technologies on the MTS Cashback website as on other Internet projects of the company (MTS Personal Account, MTS Bonus). Integration of the website with other MTS services Organization of increased performance when working with large amounts of data, Implementation of image processing service (storage, editing, adding, deleting), Integration of the website with geolocation service, Integration of the website with email service, Organization of data storage using Firebase cloud technology, Implementation of the QPublishing website management system.

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    MTS Cashback website is written using MVC 5 technology on the platform .NET Framework 4.5.2. The QPublishing platform acted as a website management system and database construction. This choice was due to the customer's desire to use the same technologies in their projects. Organization of data storage using Firebase cloud technology.

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    Functionality implemented: - getting information about the amount of cashback from each partner - go to the partner's website for purchases using a personal identifier (which is credited with cashback). - view the entire history of cashback accruals/debits, - manage your goals for cashback accrual, - filling out your profile to receive a gift from the PL partners, - the functionality of inviting friends to the program to receive mutual cashback.

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  • Front page

    The front page, which contains current promotions, offers, options for how to save and how to spend cash back from the program partners.

  • Partners directory

    A partners directory with the ability to open an offer, familiarize yourself with its terms, proceed to making a purchase and get Cashback for it. The directory has a flexible system of filtering by category, sorting and contextual search.

  • Personal profile

    The functionality of viewing the history of cashback accruals / write-offs, managing your goals for cashback accruals, filling out a personal profile to receive gifts from partners, a referral link system for inviting friends to the program to receive mutual cashback has been implemented.

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